Delgado Nursing and Allied Health Ribbon Cutting
After 5 years of hard work the day is FINALLY HERE!
Grand Entrance
team selfie
Delgado Update
The School of Nursing and Allied Health should be complete by February!
Metal House Update
Looking great. Can’t wait to see the metal and wood skin on the Metal House
AIA Central States Architectural Honor Award
Excited to be recognized with the AIA Central States Architectural Honor Award for the Central West End Metrolink Station Renovation. Super cool!
Special Thanks to the Architecture Team: John Burse, Jen Wilkins, Jake Banton, and Greg Keppel and many many others.
Biofilia: Architecture in the Trees
I visited two projects last week Magnolia Speech School and Delgado School of Nursing in Jackson MS and New Orleans respectively. But both projects shared something in common: TREES…more specifically both projects place spaces within the trees and use trees to compliment the architecture blurring interior and exterior spaces. Pretty cool
The Magnolia Speech School Library that we call the “Treehouse”
Delgado Nursing School in the Oaks
Framed views from the interior of the oak trees
ARCHIVE 4- Hospital Tower and Masterplan
Winner of an AIA STL unbuilt design award and a drawing award. Team: myself, David Polzin, Lori Epler, and Courtney Howard.
Blast from the Past 4.0
owp/p Solarvoltaic Kiosks (2003?). Render featured in Architecture Record.
Andrew Gilles, Trung Le, Tony Halawith
Blast From the Past 3.0
owp/p Trump Tower Design (2003?) Bjorn Halsen Designer
Blast From the Past 2.0
C2C Housing Competition Submission (2006?)
Blast From the Past Volume 1.0
In 2004? I went to Beijing, China solo to supervise the production of Architectural Design Competition Submission. So many stories. …Truly a once in a lifetime experience. owp/p Bjorn Halsen Designer.
Me and my main man in China, Ray, on the Great Wall
Baton Rouge CC Nursing and Allied Health Progress
SD renderings for this Nursing Building. Most aggressive schedule I have ever been a part of…but turned out pretty good. MMA teamed with Chasm and Manning Architects.
Archive 3- Rochelle High School
My first project right out of school at owp/p, I took it from SD through CA. I learned more doing this project than any other experience I have had in architecture. Thanks to Ron Harrison, Trung Le, and Wendy Watts for the mentorship along the way.
Chapel (unrealized)
I do houses too...for friends. More to come.
A little Covid Renovation side hustle that’s been a lot of fun. Can’t wait till construction begins!
Not Winning Vol. 2
As Architects we pour a lot of time and design energy into interviews and pursuits…and most of the time we don’t win. The disappointment is real, but I’m still very proud of the ideas that were generated from the process. This is the second installment of not winning.
It was an honor to be short-listed with a such a world renown institution. These are (4) concepts for Residence Halls. Part of the program was creating a connection to the top of the hill on this very interesting site. The winning firm was a big name in the design world…and one who I personally look to for inspiration.
Lamar Johnson Collaborative did the Landscape Design on these concepts.
Campus Pavilion (unrealized conceptual study)
The concept for a Welcome Pavilion, part of a larger strategic campus Masterplan.
Archive 2
Chicagoland Jewish High School
owp/p architects
owp/p architects
owp/p architects
owp/p architects
owp/p architects
Archive 1
Time for some new projects, so I’ll be sending some oldies but goodies out to pasture. Farewell USGBC Design Competition…a great example of the power of engineering and design collaboration, boasting the use of iterative Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) modeling in 2003, a project and process truly ahead of its time.
not winning. vol. 1
As Architects we pour a lot of time and design energy into interviews and pursuits…and most of the time we don’t win. The disappointment is real, but I’m still very proud of the ideas that were generated from the process. So I’d like to share some of these in this first installment of “not winning vol 1”
Below are three schemes from a Residence Hall Renovation pursuit at the University of Kansas:
Design- Andrew Gilles / MMA
Landscape Design- Forum
Scheme 1
Scheme 1
Scheme 2
Scheme 2
Scheme 2
Scheme 3
Scheme 3
Scheme 3